Welcome to the Serendipitea application and dues information section. All monies paid will be going towards the set up of a fantastic camp for all of us, including equipment, facilities, food, interactivity and much more. Below you will find all payment details whats provided ere you will find the details of what we need to make this camp a reality people!

Camp Fees

  • $700 per head + Accommodation choice below
  • Shift Pod + AirCon $800 -  sleeps up to 2 people
  • RV Fee  $500 (per RV) for 1xRV pump and refill
  • Deposit of $250 (refunded at the end of the burn based on participation and completing strike/take down)

The camp will provide

So this is what we offer, our main facilities and a flavour of the events we run:

  • Food - led by our house chef, a family cooked dinner is served every night
  • Kitchen - self cooked breakfast + snacks throughout the day
  • Water - shower water provided but you are responsible for your own drinking water
  • Camp Showers -  3x, evap pond for the water
  • Electricity - Camp Generator for RV/Aircon units
  • Accommodation support -  Shift Pod village with communal area,
  • Toilets - We have 3 communal toilets
  • Interactivity – Watch as we morph our camp into the home of extraordinary adventures; Afrika Bombastic, Immersive Circus, Valhalla…
  • Gifting - Our bar is always open, and our events are always supplied with healthy, energy-boosting treats from our family kitchen.
  • Big Events - Mad Hatter Tea Party

How to contribute

Please fill out the form below. Obviously all misc skills and things you can bring to make the camp awesome, would be amazing! 

A burning man camp.